In many areas of my life, I was stagnant, not possessing the tools to change or grow. I felt like I was being held back from being the person that I wanted to be. Shortly after starting with this method I started noticing that my life was changing for the better. Its now been almost 10 months and my life has changed, drastically. My mind is full of peace, love, acceptance, understanding, gratitude and so much more. I love Main Line and all of the members! If you’re thinking about trying this method, just do it! You owe it to yourself.
As much or as little as you wish so whether having daily classes, attending a few times out the week or once a week, it's up to you and what you want out of your meditation. However we do encourage members to attend as much as possible to see results and to reach the completion level course . Like doing anything worthwhile, your level of benefit is based on the effort you put into it. Progress in meditation depends solely on the member. As much effort is put in, that much progress will be made.
With that said, our main goal is for you to be happy, so this means you must choose how often you attend to bring balance and joy to your life.
No. The method is designed to be accessible to all people, regardless of education, age, experience with meditation etc. Children as young as six years old have been known to meditate and they tend to grasp the concepts right away and love it.
After your payment has been made, your membership starts on the day of your first membership class (you can schedule your first class with the meditation instructor).
For examples:
Yes. After the first two initial months of payments, you may cancel (with no cancellation fee) anytime before the next payment date with a written notice (either email or text is fine).
Yes. If you decide midway into your membership that you would like to change your membership to a different plan, you're welcome to do so.