main line meditation

Meditation Method

The mind Explained

Why we need to meditate

  • Where does stress come from?
  • Why existing coping mechanisms DON'T work
  • Meditation method to cleanse the mind

Our Principles & Technique

Understand Your Body and Mind

Camera Body

The human body functions exactly as an automatic camera
  • Camera machine based on the principle of the human eye
  • Our body is a 5-sensory camera automatically recording our sight, sounds, smell, taste, touch and feel
  • Automatically get stored into the brain like film

Picture Mind

All 5-sensory impressions are stored as imagery (pictures) in the mind
  • Our perception is through the 'pictures' the camera body takes (self-centered)
  • Our entire life is recorded automatically in the brain creating one's individual human mind
  • This mind is not the true mind but an illusionary created mind and world


Guided meditation with an easy-to-follow structure to recall
  • Look back at the life one has lived in imagery form
  • Uncover step-by-step depths of consciousness


Simple meditation method to discard unwanted false minds
  • Live guided visual meditation course of 7 levels to go indepth to discard the false mind
  • Experience the root causes of stress, anxiety, negative minds, ruminating thoughts and more disappearing
  • As much you meditate discarding and cleansing the mind, is as much you find enlightenment and the Universe, Truth, that is within you.
7 Levels Method to Finding True Self
Each level is a different and simple technique designed to expand your consciousness to the mind of the universe. Each level/technique is taught face-to-face by a meditation guide with great care and compassion, always respecting your process.
Experience impactul change

Enroll in a membership

Through our Membership Program, find Enlightenment to Universe, Truth

Finding from within

  • Everlasting, unchanging & alive existence
  • Peace, clarity, calmness and wisdom
  • Resolving questions and finding answers
  • Becoming your eternal true self while living
Changes through the method

"I've had so many benefits, it's been incredible..."

Watch to hear more about Natalie's journey
Interested to Learn More or Try?
Book a Meditation Intro Class in-person or via web conference (45-60 minutes - free open group class or $20 private class).

Learn to live free from stress, pain and burdens.
Gain focus, clarity and peace of mind.
Consultation to deepen your meditation practice.

Experience impactul change
lecture during open group seminar class
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